School Closing & Emergency Procedure Information
Occasionally, the District must close school buildings due to inclement weather or an emergency situation.
In general, Wauwatosa Public Schools will not be closed due to weather unless there is a Winter Weather Warning–including a Wind Chill Warning, Blizzard Warning, Winter Storm Warning, etc.–as determined by the National Weather Service. The district will not cancel school for Winter Storm Advisories. To see how the National Weather Service determines the difference, click here.
In the event a Winter Storm Warning is issued, a decision to close school buildings will be made no later than 6 a.m. The school closing notification procedure is as follows:
Parents and staff will receive a notification via an automated phone call, an email notification, and a text alert if a mobile phone is listed in their emergency contact info.
Notifications will be posted on the district website, as well as on our Facebook and Instagram.
Additionally, this notification will also be shared with local radio stations and the following TV affiliates:
The timing of the decision to close schools is influenced by the severity, intensity and movement of a storm center. Radio and TV stations are contacted prior to 5:45 a.m., if possible, about school closing decisions. Final decisions on school closings will be made no later than 6 a.m. The Director of Strategic Communications will generate automated calls to all staff and families with notification of the closing.
Outdoor Recess
According to the National Weather Service wind chill chart, it is safe to be outside for short periods of time with proper clothing at -17 temp/wind chill. Most of our school principals use -5 temp/wind chill as the cut-off as to when we keep students in for recess.
Emergency Messaging
In the event of an emergency, communication will be sent to affected stakeholders as quickly as possible. Should a EVACUATION, SHELTER, SECURE or LOCKDOWN be required, communication will be sent via email and SMS message to all primary parent/guardian/caregiver contacts listed in Infinite Campus. Messages related to a HOLD in the building will typically be sent prior to the end of the school day.
If you are not receiving emergency messages, please review your contact information in Infinite Campus or contact your school's administrative assistant.